Saturday, December 19, 2009

Best Cat toy so far- Cat Dancer!

I've been reading a bunch of books on cat behavior and two by Pam Johnson-Bennett are really good. "think like a cat" and "Cat vs. Cat" She recommends a cat toy called Cat Dancer. Bella the cat thinks this is the best thing since sliced turkey! It's the simplest toy and it really gets her hunting and pouncing. It moves unpredictably and she gets a great cat aerobic workout. Pam talks about how important it is to play with your cat. They need exercise, and something to keep  them interested in life.  So do we...  The zoo calls it animal enrichment. Cats are at our mercy when they can't go outside, and find their own entertainment.   Bella is an indoor cat. I have a screened back porch and a nice cat gym I built. She can get fresh air and watch the birds,  but she loves to stretch and run and leap and climb. She is much more relaxed when I give her regular workouts. I try for at least morning and evening round of spin-the-cat, and Barbara tries to get in a midday romp. Bella is waiting for her pre-bedtime workout. I better get  moving.

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