Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It 's hard to say goodbye to a cat or anyone really...

Not just "Goodbye Fluffy, see you tonight", but "Goodbye Fluffy you've been a wonderful friend and companion. You've let me laugh and cry and dance and mope. You've warmed my lap and heart when all humanity has let me down. I never felt judged by you, except when I made you wait too long for dinner."
My friend Karen had to put her best friend and cat Fumar, to sleep today. Her kidneys failed. Karen sobbed, and I sobbed with her remembering my last 2 cats we put down when age caught up with them.
I remind Karen as I remind myself, and all of you, Breathe... And grieve. I remind myself whenever I leave anyone really, but especially those that I love the most, to tell them that I love them. People die unexpectedly all the time. Young and old and in between. Do your best to keep your love up to date...;-) Really you never know which goodbye will be your last. Peace everyone.